Bone Strengthening Exercises For Osteoporosis & Osteopenia | 24 Minute Workout
Strength training for bone density is essential for bone health because activities that put good stress on your bones can help the bone-forming cells in your body light up! The activity of your muscles pulling on your bones creates tensions and the result is stronger bones and better bone density.
Done safely and while keeping osteoporosis in mind when choosing your exercises, you can absolutely do weight-based bone strengthening exercises regularly to minimize the impact of osteoporosis on your bone density.
Join Kendra in this weight workout that will help you safely strengthen your bones and keep you strong whether you have osteoporosis or osteopenia.
You can do this workout every day, or alternate it with the 12 Yoga Poses for Bone Health video here:
👉👉 I had requests for an uninterrupted version of the bone health videos for those of you who do it daily. Here it is, accessible for $4.99 / month. I’ve also included other videos in this platform, ad-free. Enjoy! :
WANT TO WORKOUT MORE WITH ME? I’ve got ya covered!
Mastering Your Body Mechanics – Access to this workout plus the ENTIRE video series (91 videos!) completely ad-free. These videos will eventually be on YouTube but you can get them all right now!
Workouts in the series include mobility, strength, myofascial release, yoga, plyometrics for speed and bone health, training for running and HIIT workouts. Join here for $5.99 a month.
Check your core and pelvic floor strength:
Power Up Your Plank:
Listen to my Podcast:
See my pregnancy and postpartum channel @devotedmamas for more in-depth core and pelvic floor workouts.
12 yoga poses for bone health:
Bone Strengthening exercises for osteoporosis:
Ad-free bone health workouts for $4.99 / month:
Visit my website:
Book a Starter Session here:
Kendra (she/her) is a Corrective Exercise Specialist, Strength Coach, Yoga Teacher and Running Coach. Her years of experience with and curiosity about the human body have informed Kendra’s method of training, which focuses on alignment, proper form and corrective exercise to help her clients live pain free.
Kendra is most well known for melding her clinical expertise with creativity and a lighthearted perspective. At the end of the day, she understands that her clients are real people with real lives, it is her job to help them tune into the power of their own bodies.
#strengthforosteoporosis #osteoporosis #osteopenia #yogaforbonehealth #kendrafitzgeraldyoga
Hi Friends! Enjoy this new strength training workout for osteoporosis and osteopenia that pairs nicely with the 12 yoga poses video. Enjoy, and remember to 🌟🌟 SUBSCRIBE!! 🌟🌟
Thank you so much! Fantastic! What is the weight on the kettlebell?
Why does she mix left and right sides? When I’m following, i get confused when she says left leg, and uses her right? Why?
Thank you. I have osteoporosis. I was ideal. I am 61 thank you so much. I need this
Thank you very much for explaining so well ❤
What uf your hip makes a popping noise every time you bend
I don’t know who told you that you talk too much. But I think that you share is extremely important. I love the information about breathing and just form. I think you’re a fantastic instructor and I’m really grateful that I get to be a part of your class. God bless you.
Thanks for this great workout. More workouts designed for osteoporosis with your excellent instructions please!❤
I want to make sure I’m doing the lunge correctly. I can’t pick up my foot like you do. I can only drag it . I’ll fall over if I pick it up to kick off – What am I doing wrong?
How heavy is the kettle bell
People with osteoporosis should not be rounding their back, bending forward (although you insisted that the way you do it is okay), or twisting. I am curious as to what qualifies you to promote osteoporosis exercises?